Institute of Agriculture

Sriniketan, Bolpur
W.B. , 731236
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Initially Agricultural Entomology and Plant Pathology were taught under the Department of Agriculture, Palli Siksha Sadana since 1965 and became a separate Department of Plant Protection within the Institute of Agriculture in 1989 by amalgamation of these two major subjects. The Department continued to offer resident instruction programme in Agricultural Entomology comprises undergraduate instruction for the students of Palli Siksha Bhavana and postgraduate instruction leading to M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Plant Protection with specialization in Agricultural Entomology for the last 28 years. Recently in the year 2017, Plant Protection programme has been bifurcated to offer separate PG programme in M.Sc.(Ag) in Agricultural Entomology. Subsequently creation of full fledged Department of Agricultural Entomology has been resolved in the Executive Council of Visva-Bharati in its meeting dated 23.02.2019 vide agenda Item No.4 and started to function independently w.e.f. 2nd June 2019 vide Memo No. Aca-G/K-40/190/2019-20 dated 02.06.2019. The department has been formed with an objective of achieving excellence in teaching Agricultural Entomology to UG, PG and PhD students and conducting problem oriented research of farmers. Traditional strengths of research in the department had been in economic entomology, toxicology, biocontrol and on sericulture. At present emphasis is on synthesizing IPM modules for different crops involving bio- agents, cultural practices, host plant resistance and eco friendly chemicals. The Department has so far contributed around 85 well-trained post graduate students to the human resource pool of agriculture and allied sectors. Many alumni of the college have risen to exalted positions and gained recognition both at national and international levels. Beside that the Department is gearing up to establish a well-equipped experiential learning unit of Sericulture that helps to produce job provider, rather than job seeking graduates.
Prof. Hirak Chatterjee
Professor and Head

Prof. Hirak Chatterjee
Professor and Head

Mo. 9434023845
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Dr. Palash Mondal
Assistant Professor

Mo. 9434047537
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Dr. Swarnali Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor

Mo. 9474475319
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Department of Agricultural Entomology
S.No. Title of the Project PI & Co-PI Funding Agency Duration
Evaluation of insecticides and fungicides against some insect pests and diseases along with their phytotoxicity on different crops Dr, Palash Mondal Crystal Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd Completed
2. Evaluation of insecticides and other pesticides on major pests and diseases of different crops in red lateritic zone of West Bengal Dr, Palash Mondal PI Industries Ltd Completed
3. Bio efficacy evaluation of insecticides against insect pests of chilli. Dr, Palash Mondal Bayer Crop Science Ltd. Completed
4. Bio-efficacy of pesticides against pest and diseases in different crops; Dr, Palash Mondal Coromandel International Ltd. 2018-2019
5. Bio efficacy evaluation of insecticides against rice pest. Dr, Palash Mondal GSP Crop Science Ltd 2018-2020
6. IFAD-ICARDA International project on enhancing pulses production- Sub Project (Agril  Entomology) Acting as Co-Principal Investigator Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya IFAD-ICARDA Continuing
7. WB-ICARDA International project on enhancing pulses production- Sub Project (Agril  Entomology) Acting as Co-Principal Investigator Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya ICARDA Continuing
8. Studies on Bio-efficacy and Residue analysis of some modern Insecticides Acting as Principal Investigator Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Willowood Chemicals Private Ltd., New Delhi Completed
9. Bio-efficacy and Phyto-toxicity studies of some insecticide molecules for registration purpose
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Willowood Chemicals Private Ltd., New Delhi 2015-2020
10. Evaluation of Bio-efficacy, Phytotoxicity and Residual trials of some newer chemicals against important insect-pests infesting Paddy, Tea, Cotton and Brinjal crop
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Willowood Chemicals Private Ltd., New Delhi 2018-2022
11. Bio-efficacy, Phytotoxicity and residue field trials of CMII 141 against mites & other sucking pests of chilli and chlorpyriphos 20% EC  against insect-pests of Rice and Brinjal
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Coromondel International Ltd., Telangana  2015-2020
12. Evaluation of bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity of Profenophos 50% & Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC against lepidopteran and sucking pest complex of rice
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Coromondel International Ltd., Telangana  Completed
13. Evaluation of Bio-efficacy of Benfuracarb 3% GR against insect-pests infesting paddy”
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Coromondel International Ltd., Telangana  2018-2020
14. Bio-efficacy, Phyto-toxicity and residue studies of some new insecticide molecules against different insect-pests infesting tea, okra and cotton”
Acting as Principal Investigator
Dr Swarnali Bhattacharaya Willowood Chemicals Private Ltd., New Delhi 2018-2022
Practical Manual
S.No. Title UG/PG Course No. Credit
1. Practical laboratory manual of Introductory Entomology UG AEN-121 4(3+1)
2. Laboratory manual on insect pests of crops and their nature and symptoms of damage UG / PG AEN-321 & AEN-505, 506 3(2+1)
3. Laboratory manual of Industrial Entomology UG AEN-311 2(1+1)
4. Probit analysis and mathematical models for Entomological studies PG AEN-508, 515 3(2+1)
UG Compulsory courses
AEN-211 Insect Morphology and Systematic (4th Deans) 2+1
AEN-221 Insect Ecology and Integrated Pest Management Including Beneficial Insects (4th Deans) 2+1
AEN-321 Crop Pests and Stored Grain Pests and Their Management (4th Deans) 2+1
AEN-121 Fundamentals of Entomology (5th Deans) 3+1
AEN-311 Management of Beneficial Insects (5th Deans) 1+1
AEN-321 Pests of Crops and Stored Grains and their Management (5th Deans) 2+1
PPT-311 Principles of Integrated Pests and Disease Management (Shared with Plant Pathology) 2+1
Elective courses
PPT-211 Bio-pesticides and Bio-control (Shared with Plant Pathology) 2+1
ELCPT-01 Integrated Pest Management ( Shared with Plant Pathology) 1+1
ELCPT-02 Stored Grain Pests and Their Management 1+1
ELCPT-03 Industrial Entomology  (Apiculture, Sericulture & Lac culture) 2+1
ELCPT-04 Biocontrol of Insect Pests 1+1
ELCPT-05 Insecticides and Plant Protection Appliances 2+1
UG-RAWE Programme
RAWE-02(ENT) Crop Protection against Insect Pests 0+4
PG Courses
AEN-501 Insect Morphology 1+1
AEN-502 Insect Anatomy, Physiology & Nutrition 2+1
AEN-503 Insect Taxonomy 1+1
AEN-504 Insect Ecology 1+1
AEN-505 Pest of Field crops & their Management 2+1
AEN-506 Pest of Horticultural crops & their Management 2+1
AEN-507 Biological control of crop pest and Weeds 1+1
AEN-508 Toxicology of Insecticides 2+1
AEN-509 General Acarology 1+1
AEN-510 Insect embryology & post-embryonic development 1+1
AEN-511 Storage Entomology and Vertebrate pests 1+1
AEN-512 Commercial Entomology 1+1
AEN-513 Chemical Pest Control methods 1+1
AEN-514 Insect-Vector of Plant Pathogens and their Relationship 1+1
AEN-515 Principles of Integrated Pest Management 2+1
AEN-516 Host Plant Resistance to Insects 1+1
AEN-591 Credit seminar ( Master’s Seminar) 0+1
AEN-599 Master’s Research Thesis (Compulsory) 0+20
Ph. D. Courses
PPT-601 Research Methodology & Techniques in Plant Protection  Module A and Module C 4
ENT-601 Advanced Economic Entomology 4
PPT-602 Research Prelims and Thesis writing 4


Institute of Agriculture,Visva-Bharati,Sriniketan, 731236